ARY Films, Salman Iqbal Films and Shooting Star Studio on Tuesday released the theatrical trailer of their much-awaited film ‘Tich Button’
The film stars Farhan Saeed, Feroze Khan, Sonya Hussain and Iman Aly in pivotal roles.
The trailer, which showcases Punjab’s rich culture, shows that the movie is a tale of friendship and love, shadowed by betrayal and heartbreak simultaneously in a village of Punjab and Turkey.
Alongside the main cast, the film also stars veteran actors Sohail Ahmed and Samiya Mumtaz.
Jerjees Seja, Urwa Hocan e and Farhan Saeed are film’s producers while President and CEO ARY Digital Network Salman Iqbal is film’s Executive Producer.
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Directed by Qasim Ali Mureed, ‘Tich Button’ is set to release on November 11.
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